Monday, February 25, 2013


Welcome back, Walter Hill. It's great to see that he hasn't lost his cool, gritty style to action films. And much like Hill's work, Bullet to the Head suffers from a weak plot. Pretty Good Action flick.

Worst Die Hard since Die Hard 2. What were they thinking with slapped together work of garbage. It wasn't hard to tell this installment was just thrown together, with the February release, smaller budget, and being way shorter than all previous Die Hard flicks. The chemistry between Bruce and Jai existed but this movie was so fast moving with it's pointless action scenes, that it was over before they really had a chance to really show off the father and son relationship. So they tarnish this relationship with the typical father, admitting how he's never there for his son, and his son listening from a distance and all of a sudden they're the perfect team. So, they went from John Jr. pointing a gun at his own father, showing that these two had a really violent filled falling out, to being immediately family again without any real conversation going on. TRASH.

Typical haunted house movie, but instead of ghost and demons, it's aliens. About aliens. Are they or were they ever really scary? Maybe if I knew what they would do once your abducted. That whole probing theory is weak. This movie seemed like it was going into a new direction of alien conspiracies. Instead, it's just a that tries to build scares by  making wait and wait until near the end for the big payoff, which is worse. TRASH, FOR HAVING FOOLISH CHARACTERS MORE CONCERNED ABOUT FINANCES THAN A ALIEN INVASION.

He cries, he protects his family, he kicks ass. Best movie of February.

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