Sunday, May 3, 2020

What Happens If You Live?

       It's the middle of the day. You just got finished seeing an exhilarating film. Your mouth is full of the after taste of greasy buttered popcorn, along with an acid filled bitterness of a large soda stuck in your taste buds. If your me you gotta refresh that mouth with a delicious ice cold milkshake. A pumpkin pie, chocolate chip, cheesecake milkshake to be precise. Sucking up that tasty beverage.

    Before you can fully relish in your moment belly flourishing, your ear gets an abrupt tap. "Do you know where you'll end up when you die?"


 Why is the afterlife always the main focus of witnessing to non believers of  Christ?

  Say yes to Jesus. And then stay in the waiting room of pretending to be good person until you die.

 'Life and having it more abundantly'.
- John 10:10

       This Life Jesus is offering you is something you can have now, not later. The trueness of it amidst the cultural dreams and successful cycled lifestyles of dullness.

A Life where you pursue no one and nothing as you would like you pursue Jesus. There's another life out here for you and treasure's are endless, that not even a marriage, job, your business, or some sort of mental conditioning could give you. This Life is what Jesus is talking about and you can only find through Him alone.

'What if you die today or tomorrow?" they say.

Well what if you life 70 more years?

Seek Jesus. Serve God.

Be ungrateful. Don't settle for the half a gift. Take the fullness of it.

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