Monday, December 31, 2018

Best of the Best 2018

Best of the Best 2018

1. Best film of the year.

2. Some movies just give you something to feel. But it's art to really unravel this source material.

3. Some franchises just never go sour.

4. Great film. An outstanding technique but should never be duplicated...Ever!!

5. Rare comedies are the best.

6. This movie is always on my mind at work.

7. Yeah, the first one's pretty good. But Deadpool 2 interested me in the character, leading me to reading the comic.

8. Scary movies are great. But Haunting films are long lasting nightmares that will hit you in some aspect of your life.

9. Bringing back the westerns, one step at a time.

10. 4 for 4 franchise. Hopefully, there is a fifth to take away the black eye that lame tv event left me.

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