There are various eating habits we have. Some people moderate. Some strictly follow the food pyramid. Some are purely junk food eaters. A lot of us share the sweet tooth. Bingers and meal skippers; picky eaters and adventurous eaters of all cultures. You are what you eat. The curious eaters are the ones with the best taste; they're patient, imaginative and most importantly they know where to go to find excellent cuisine.
Bringing me to film and tv shows, what is does your movie diet look like? Are you just a mainstream spectator (junk food eater), expecting every film and show to be catered to what you want, especially the most obscure films. Every story has to fit within your logic. Mainstream audience can force meaning into these junk food stories, like a restaurant having a list of 8 burgers, where the only difference is the toppings. Eating nothing but chili dogs and donuts will obviously turn you into a house. Putting a unique dish at the table, like mainstream audience, a patron will rip it apart for being different, while at the same time demanding something new.
Yes, there are tons and tons of tv shows out here. However, in no way is that an invitation to gorge and binge your way through every last one of them. You gobble up this content with no real understanding of what the purpose of the show, so after one episode or a season, you lose interest. Where's your intrigue? Everyone is different with their personal taste, so why is everyone trying to get into the same shows for the exact reasons someone else is interested in them. It's one thing to recommend, but if your lactose intolerant, your not going to accept a chocolate fudge sundae from a friend.
Its wonderful to love things, but isn't it even better to know why you love those things and can fully elaborate, without constantly using the words 'awesome' and 'smart' all the time. If you have a dull, consuming content, viewing lifestyle, where shows range from meh to solid, you should build a taste that isn't dictated by marketing or peers. You can build that strong metabolism, with some good tips to keep in mind. First, get over yourself and just accept that every piece of art is just not made for you. Simple as that. Its fine to be curious but in baby steps. Curious for the sake of curious is a fools errand. Next, as your watching something that really interests you, re-watch them and get an idea of the themes and subject, using that as a why to spread those wings a little. Get to know yourself. Don't be afraid to use the word 'hate' or feel as though you need to strongly defend your hatred towards something. Never look to find ways to argue for the sake of arguing, just the same don't always just try to agree for the sake of it. Last tip: These streaming service, tv networks, and movie studios could care less about your feelings and how their product made you feel; you don't owe them anything.