You're a genius. You are very smart. Your Masters and Doctorate Degrees elevate you. Just tell yourself this three or four times.
You finished? Good. Now, can we please get back to intriguing storytelling, thinking outside the box. I love this modern era of film making. I am not the person who blindly praises movies of previous eras. But if there is one major issue I have against modern film making, it would have to be us (the audience) needing to have our intelligence catered too. If you make a film today, you better make sure I can believe this premise exist in the real world. Plausibility for the sake of plausibility is key. Still makes you wonder why documentary films still doesn't get boost. I want realness, but I'm going to a creative novelty and expect to grow my knowledge. If it doesn't , stupid. If it does, "smart" film.
Seriously, what the hell does that mean? "Smart". You sure it's not just dull and boring swimming in the realness pool. The only exception to this is nostalgia. Star Wars can do whatever it wants. When it's a diverse story, with a distinct vision, it will get torn apart for not being believable in the real world. Whatever happened to suspension of disbelief? Its still there but it's done with a double standard, similar to what I said before about nostalgia. Or instead of accepting this is the story where getting and judging it on that clone, suspense of disbelieve has a bar of inconsistent tolerance , saying I'll accept you if you don't do this. 5 minutes in tho the movie, your shouting that the movie jumps the shark. Please let's stop this. Because it's the cause of so much exposition now.